Design Virginia Beshears Design Virginia Beshears

Container Gardening Tips for a Vibrant Summer

Ready to dive into the wonderful world of container gardening? Your future self will thank you for the endless beauty you'll enjoy all summer long. There are so many reasons to try container gardening, and a few things to consider as hot weather approaches. 

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DIY Virginia Beshears DIY Virginia Beshears

DIY: 5 More Amazing Ceiling Ideas

From covering popcorn texture to creating an artistic masterpiece, these five One Room Challenge® participants have some terrific answers to the eternal question: “what should I do about the ceiling?”.

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Design Linda W Design Linda W

Creating a Stylish Backyard Space

If you're looking for some inspiration to transform your backyard into a cool and stylish outdoor oasis, we’ve got you covered! From DIY projects to inspiring design ideas, here are five ways to create a cool backyard that will impress your guests and make you want to spend more time outdoors.

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