8 weeks to transform a space/room. Everyone is welcome.

The One Room Challenge® event happens twice a year, in the spring and the fall.

Every Wednesday of the event, a new ORC weekly update post goes live here on the site, where participants can add direct links to their project updates on their Instagram, blog, and/or TikTok.

Through the weekly update posts, participants are able to connect with and encourage each other, and spectators and participants alike can find endless inspiration, motivation, and creativity.

Interested in joining our wonderful community? Registration typically opens about a month prior to the event and closes at the end of the first week of the event.

photo via Studio Plumb

One Room Challenge™ Mission Statement:

The One Room Challenge™ will provide participants with a supportive, enthusiastic forum in which to share the process of transforming a room. The ORC is not a competition, but rather a celebration of creativity, inspiration, and original ideas. Welcome!


The ORC is thrilled to have Apartment Therapy as the event’s official media partner.

Apartment Therapy frequently showcases ORC rooms. They have a dedicated submission form for ORC projects, and their editors use the event to scout for features.

You can check out their coverage of ORC projects here, on their One Room Challenge page, as well as on our press page.

Photo via Old Brand New


  • If you are a participant, judge, or representative of a concurrent event, you are ineligible to participate.

  • All URL links added to the ORC site must be direct links to posts strictly pertaining to the One Room Challenge® event.

  • Your project must be a real room in a real home. Virtual rooms will be deleted.

  • So that viewers can easily navigate through the event and discover more participants, you must include a link back to the ORC weekly update page, within your blog post or your Instagram story or profile.

  • Each Weekly Event page will have 3 sections: blogs, Instagram, and TikTok. Each participant is permitted one link in each section (i.e., one direct link to a blog post, one direct link to an Instagram post, and one direct link to a TikTok post). Please make sure to put your links in the correct section. Links in the incorrect section will be deleted.

  • Any links included in your posts must be relevant to your ORC space and/or design not off-topic (eg. travel, food, etc.).

  • You must include the ORC logo in each post in order to be eligible for feature opportunities (available below to download). Where you put the logo is at your discretion; on Instagram, anywhere within a carousel post or in your saved stories is acceptable. The logo is available at on the Participant Info page.

  • On Instagram and TikTok, you must tag @oneroomchallenge in both the text and the post itself. Links without tags will be deleted.

Spring ‘25 One Room Challenge® Posting Schedule (start dates of each week)

Week 1 - April 2nd

Week 2 - April 9th

Week 3 - April 16th

Week 4 - April 23rd

Week 5 - April 30th

Week 6 - May 7th

Week 7 - May 14th

Week 8 - May 21st - REVEAL WEEK!

Need help with adding your links to the weekly updates page? Click here for a tutorial and a post where you can practice adding a link.

Below are two versions of the ORC logo, one dark and one light, both with transparent backgrounds. Save these and use either one on your update posts.

Note: If you’re having trouble saving the images, go to this link for the white version and this link for the dark gray version.

Still have questions? Try the FAQ page