Design Virginia Beshears Design Virginia Beshears

How to Find the Perfect Shade of Green

Looking to go green? Green continues to be one of the most versatile and beloved colors in interior design. There are so many gorgeous shades, though, that it can be difficult to know where to begin choosing the best green for your space.

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Design Linda W Design Linda W

Making Your Home Office a Space You Enjoy Working In

Having an office space that energizes you and makes you feel inspired can be such a game changer.

Whether you prefer a bold space that excites you or a more neutral space that makes you feel calm and focused, there’s no better place to work than one that makes you happy.

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Design Virginia Beshears Design Virginia Beshears

The DIY Boom & the Power of the Internet

Have you ever happened upon a DIY video while scrolling through your social media feed, and felt a sudden urge to start tackling a new project in your home? Research has shown that watching our peers DIY on social media is like a lightbulb moment.

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DIY Virginia Beshears DIY Virginia Beshears

DIY: How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck in a Kitchen Reno

When it comes to maximizing the impact of your kitchen renovation without breaking the bank, few materials offer as much bang for your buck as paint. Kathleen’s finished kitchen is absolutely incredible, and it’s mind-blowing how much she was able to do with paint alone.

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