Before & After Virginia Beshears Before & After Virginia Beshears

B&A: Gorgeous Home Office Flex Space Surprise

ORC vet Samantha of Signed Samantha embarked on another room transformation this past fall ‘23 event, this time creating her home office 2.0. You may remember her gorgeous green home office from the fall ‘21 event—with a second child on the way, the need for a dedicated nursery meant saying goodbye to home office 1.0.

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DIY Virginia Beshears DIY Virginia Beshears

2023 Recap: 14 Mind Blowing DIYs (That We Want to Try Next Year)

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to celebrate the hands-on creativity that not only left us genuinely awe-inspired, but are also getting our gears turning for next year. This year’s ORC participants showcased an abundance of talent that deserves a moment in the spotlight.

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