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Week 5 Cancelled #Blacklivesmatter

Week 5 Cancelled

If you missed our Instagram post:

"We stand in solidarity over the racial injustice and murders of George Floyd and the many other victims of police brutality and racism. To both honor and respect these victims there will not be a Week 5 of the ORC and posting will return next week. The ORC team will use this time to better educate ourselves to be the best possible allies.

This platform is being used to share sources and links to articles and organizations educating and combatting racism. Acknowledging #blacklivesmatter is essential."

Please note: by no means is this a complete list and we encourage you to continue seeking and sharing information.

Anti-Racism Resources

Black Lives Matter


Justice for George Floyd - Petition

Tell Congress To Protect Black-owned Businesses

Justice for Breonna Taylor

Justice For Ahmaud Arbery

#8cantwait - Action to Decrease Police violence by 70%


George Floyd Memorial Fund

Ahmaud Arbery Fund

David McAtee Fund

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Know Your Rights Camp


How to Support the Struggle Against Police Brutality

A Call to Conscience For White Women

Save The Tears: White Woman’s Guide

Anti-Racism Resources For White People - Google Doc

A Plea To White People

Diversify Your Instagram Feed


‘1619’ A Podcast from the NY Times

Pod Save the People

How Race and Racism Affect Our Friendships


13th - A Netflix Documentary

Dear White People - Let Your Guard Down

Black Parents Explain How to Deal With the Police


(Shop Indie and/or BIPOC bookstores)

Black History Library

13 Books You Should Read About Black Lives

8 Anti-Racist Children’s Books

To be continued